It was the day after my birthday when I took my husband to the airport as he embarked on a work trip back to Kuwait. This routine always casts a gloomy cloud over the day. To combat these feelings, I turn to the solace of plants.
Many people consider plants a way out for them from the stresses of life. Pandemic quarantine nurtured plant passion. Indoor plants and outdoor gardens flourished as people sought solace and connection with nature from the comfort of home. Meanwhile, It’s been difficult to achieve my dream of an indoor jungle because of cats. Most of those plants are toxic, and my cats like to chew on plants!

Nevertheless, I decided to uplift my spirits by purchasing three plants from Lush Studio. Thanks to their express delivery service via Careem, I swiftly received the Philodendron Joepii, Colocasia Esculenta Mojito, and Colocasia Pharaoh’s Mask cuttings.

These plants hold great value in the market and are often hard to come by, making it feel like a fortunate win for me. Despite their initial arrival in a stressed state, they showed remarkable signs of recovery the following day. Now, my main aim is to provide them with the care they need to thrive and grow. Hopefully, I’ll be able to help them flourish in their new home.