Being a plant enthusiast, I recently purchased some stunning plants from a reputable online store. With beautifully designed care instruction cards, I was confident in their recommendations, which advised against repotting for a year. However, I encountered unexpected issues such as fungus gnats, root aphids, and root bound conditions. This eye-opening experience taught me that…
Banana Mama
So here they are, just hanging out on the dining table, completely forgotten and looking all over-ripened, patiently waiting for someone to rescue them from their fate in the garbage. Seriously though, what’s up with my family suddenly giving up on these bananas? They used to be a staple fruit in our house, and now…
The Solace of Plants
It was the day after my birthday when I took my husband to the airport as he embarked on a work trip back to Kuwait. This routine always casts a gloomy cloud over the day. To combat these feelings, I turn to the solace of plants. Many people consider plants a way out for them…
It’s my birthday!
Surrounded by loved ones I celebrated my 46th birthday. As I blew out the candles on my cake, a moment of reflection crossed my face, a testament to the accomplishments and challenges I had overcome. I had my first expatriate life in Birmingham many years ago, and now I’ve been expatriated in Dubai for two…
Inside Zwara – Kuwait Times
This Friday in Kuwait times newspaper, my feature published about Zwara Aljumaa (colloquial of Friday family gatherings). This feature focuses on the importance and the psychological depth of this Kuwaiti weekly ritual. Click on each screenshot to read online.
Read Like A Child
I’m not a novel person, even in those days when books were the mind escape from everyday life, I read about space, history, science, and life coaching. The only fictions I purchase to read must have a comedy twist in them. The internet then was introduced to our lives. It opened our mind…
What happened in Eid stays in Eid.
The Festive days are over. Eid ,like any other religious event, is celebrated by making (or buying) traditional food, meeting relatives who haven’t been in contact with us for the whole year, and eating those yummilicious bites that tend to hide hundreds of calories behind their innocent look! My family and I decided to dine…
The Crazy Cat Lady
When my friend Maha Alasaker asked me to take self portraits, the first thing came to my mind was cats! This isn’t a post about how much I adore cats. I’m not going to bore you romancing you to make you fall in love with them. Why? Cats choose us, we don’t choose…
Supporting Growing Businesses – Infusion Kw
I just love watching start up businesses grow big! The lady behind Infusion Kuwait is one of most talented women in her field! She plays a lot with herbs, fruits, spices and much more! Always surprising with the distinctive aroma of her spices and condiment food. My collaboration with Infusion combined other skills than photography like…
Simply, living my life.
I said to my husband when I was in deep dilemma:”I’m a photographer, full time mother, a baker, a pet lover, a crafter. Am I the jack of all trades, master of none?” He smiled and said:”You are simply, living life, enjoy it!” Then he continued:”Don’t listen to all those who are trying to diminish…
I was a speaker at Fototalks conference
It was a great honour being one of Fototalks speakers this year. I talked about documentary photography and highlighted how and why I chose this field. Here is some of the tweets and Instagram posts about my part of the conference. الاستاذه عذوب الشعبي تلقي محاضرتها عن التصوير الوثائقي @athoobcom #fototalks2014…
Photographing The National Holidays
This article was published on theCITY magazine Feb 2013 edition The Law of Kuwait prohibits taking pictures of people in public places without their notion, but allows photography in public events and celebrations, or places in which a person is expected to be vulnerable to photographers’s cameras. So, we find that national…
Select Book أعمالي الفوتوغرافية على كتاب سيليكت
Leica: لايكا والتسويق لمفهوم كاميرا النخبة
لايكا Leica ، شئنا أم أبينا تظل أحد أفضل مصنعي الكاميرات والعدسات. تبنت الشركة منذ انطلاقتها قبل أكثر من مئة وخمسين عاما في تصنيع عدسات تضمن مستوى عال من الدقة والحدة مقابل إمكانية طباعة الصور بأحجام كبيرة من نيجاتف صغير الحجم. وهي من أطلق أول كاميرا 35mm عملية بالأسواق. ارتبطت بعشرات المصورين العالميين أمثال…
لماذا نصور طعامنا؟
الشبكات الاجتماعية على الإنترنت تتخم في كل ثانية و من جميع بلدان العالم بصور الطعام والشراب. وبالرغم من انتشارها إلا أنه مازال البعض يستنكر على الأهل والأصدقاء متسائلا “لماذا تصور؟” و “ما الذي أستفيده من متابعة ما أكلت وشربت؟”. فهل فكرت في معرفة الدوافع الكامنة والأسباب الظاهرة التي دفعتك يوما لالتقاط صورة كوب القهوة…
Do we eat to take photos or take photos to eat?
To know the answer, just go to the nearest branch of Caribou Coffee and take your copy of TheCity Magazine, November issue. Through this article I try to shed light on the reasons behind what have transformed snapping pictures of your food to a need. What is urging us to constantly document what we eat…
كلام في تصوير المظاهرات
لم أكن أتخيل يوما أنني سأقوم بتغطية مسيرات تظاهرية في بلدي الكويت بعد تصويري لجمهور المتظاهرين المصريين في بريطانيا عام ٢٠١١ عندما اجتمعوا سلميا أمام مبنى السفارة المصرية مطالبين بإسقاط الرئيس حسني مبارك. تجربتي مع كرامة وطن الكويتية حملت أيضا دروسا جديدة بالنسبة لي لأنها لم تستمر بسلميتها وانتهت بتفريق المتظاهرين من قبل أجهزة الأمن….
Kuwait Future Matters More, الأهم هو مستقبل الكويت
كفاكم تمجيدا للأشخاص من فاز منهم ومن خسر من قال منهم ومن لم يقل انظر للفعل، وخذ بيد من فعل مستقبل الكويت هو الأهم وكفانا جدل !
One morning in Mubarkiya
New set of photos is added to my gallery from my last visit to Souq Al Mubarkiya (Market). It’s the landmark where all photographers in Kuwait pilgrimage. I know some of them who have been dedicating their time to create a bigger image of this legacy. They’ve been spending a lot of time developing relations with…
Pink Tuesday BSK اليوم الوردي
. تنظم المدرسة البريطانية بالكويت يوم الثلاثاء الوردي والذي يذهب ريعه لصالح أبحاث سرطان الثدي مساهمة منها في شهر أكتوبر الوردي دعما للمجتمع في توعية النساء بضرورة الكشف المبكر عن هذا المرض. تبدأ فعاليات هذا الحدث في موقع المدرسة بتمام الساعة الرابعة عصرا. وكعادة المدرسة تشجع أبناؤها الطلبة على المشاركة الرمزية والمعنوية في دعم القضايا…