The flag of Kuwait fever is affecting all places, things, and citizens of this country. It’s the national day of Kuwait when people can share their joy of celebration and find the outlet in streets to act out of the ordinary and have fun together without fear of penalty. Meanwhile Villa owners compete in who is going to hang the biggest flag, small humble flags are beautifully decorating the buildings that are occupied by residents in order to show their input
However, colours of Kuwait’s flag are everywhere around us. White, green, red and black are the colours of signs, decayed buildings, cars, fences, and things that have been thrown away. This micro project aims to locate various points where those colours can be observed singularly combined or part in habitual places. While the red and green complementarily work together neutralizing each other, when mixed they produce the shades of black and white or gray. This is my Kuwait. I see Kuwaitis like pairs, opposite to each one another in the colour circle. The shades of black and white correspond to our diversity. For this reason, we shall become more understanding to our antibiosis and respect the differences between us rather than forcing ourselves to merge arbitrarily neglecting our backgrounds pretending to be one. Because if we did, we would end up lacking colours and our patriotism would be pale