The coolest birthday gift ever is a Gift set from my favorite show LOST. I decided this year to give myself a present for being 10 years younger. 😛
At this age I’m now more focused, I know what exactly want for my life. I’m grateful for Allah for helping me achieving one of the hardest goals of my life. I’m now more healthier and , proudly saying, way lighter than last year. There’s something we at our 20’s wouldn’t experience or understand. When you’re in your mid thirties, you become more appreciative to every single goodness of your life, happy and contempt with your personal life. Most importantly, you don’t feel sorry anymore about your past.
You start looking forward leaving everything behind and move on. In my twenties, I had always loved being out and about. Now If I’m out, I can’t wait to go back home. In my thirties, my best cup of coffe is the one I freshly brew at home!
That’s a wrap!
Namaste! :p