When I was doing my BA in the nineties, I had created a simple graphic design to remind me of what I want to be in Future. Couple of days ago, I have achieved my plan and got my master degree in Visual Communication – Documentary Photography.
I still can’t believe that I’ve done it at last !
This is just the beginning. Many of you were asking what am I going to do next?
I have to compensate my family for the time I spent doing my projects and for their extreme support. Although I’m apparently taking a long break from photography, I’m so busy now a days mind mapping my next steps.
The picture shows out classroom (304) – The Green Floor – BIAD 🙂
Here were I had made my first ‘English’ presentation and made my final MA presentation.
I love the HIs and Hellos I used to see in my classmates eyes, sneaking in the classroom quietly when they’re late. I used to laugh with myself when I catch a bored face. I used to enjoy doodling though I don’t know how to draw. I have always been impressed by how one of my mates is able to draw and draw some stunning images during lecture times!
I love the amazing relationship our teachers have built with us. How friendly they are and strict and respectful at the same time. We call them by their first names. How cool is that ! .. ( Unlike many teachers I know that they might slap you in the face if you don’t add prof, or Dr or urghh err …%@#)

My personal Tutor is a great man. He always feel proud of him self. He told me that he had used to be homeless who built himself from scratch. Every time I remember his life story, I feel too embarrassed to tell him that I’m tired of anything !
He’s a respected documentary photographer in the UK. I hope one day I have the honor to host him to exhibit his photographic work in Kuwait.
He let me down though when he didn’t allow me to touch his 3 Leica. Yes He has THREE !
My breath almost stopped when he put the three of them right in front my eyes just to TEASE ME 😛
So, What am I going to do next?
I’m building my online portfolio.. and it’s gonna take pretty long time 😮
BCU, I’ll be around 🙂
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