The Festive days are over. Eid ,like any other religious event, is celebrated by making (or buying) traditional food, meeting relatives who haven’t been in contact with us for the whole year, and eating those yummilicious bites that tend to hide hundreds of calories behind their innocent look!
My family and I decided to dine in a moroccan restaurant at The Palms hotel. We were shocked by the size of the single serve, the amount of complementary starters and bread they put on our table. We were two adults and two young girls and the food serves six adults!
After that eating disaster, I became sick for couple of days, and I’m getting better now and finally able to get back to my normal diet. Simple, and mostly plant based food. The feeling good food.

I’ve made this simple breakfast because I wasn’t feeling dairy-ish. Usually I have my granola with yoghurt. But I decided to replace the yoghurt with mashed avocado. Be careful when choosing the granola as most of them contain added fat. I use Bob’s Red Mill Whole Grain Natural No Fat Added Granola. If you are in Kuwait, then you can find it in many local co-ops, Sultan Centre, and Saveco.
Turmeric Avocado:
- 1/2 Ripened Avocado.
- 1 Tsp of Organic Raw Mountain Honey (Natureland).
- 1/4 Tsp of Turmeric Powder.

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