I’m not a novel person, even in those days when books were the mind escape from everyday life, I read about space, history, science, and life coaching. The only fictions I purchase to read must have a comedy twist in them. The internet then was introduced to our lives. It opened our mind to more and different things to learn about, and new interests, revealing an undiscovered part of ourselves. It enchanted us with a swift!
The internet has become the fast food to our hungry mind for knowledge. It’s quick, affordable, eye attracting, addictive and available almost everywhere. This has led to a new need in the book market. The need of digital detox. Light, colourful and easy children/teenage books for grownups. Those who used to be book lovers and now their bookcases are jammed with unread books because they are too busy tweeting after work, or concentrating on which photo deserves a like on Instagram.
The children books for grownups are creatively designed and suppose to encourage their readers to spend more time with their old neglected friend. I’m not saying that Internet is your enemy. But, it backfires if you don’t take control on your time. The reason for this is, you believe that no matter how much time you spend online you still think that you’re going to miss something when you’re offline. Meanwhile the truth is, you are missing a lot more than you can imagine when you’re online!
So, If you are like me, trapped in scarcity seeking mindfulness, those books might be a good kickstart to your journey back to reading. Go on, go in public with a book about cute little cats or a book about how to dress like a pirate! Enjoy the feel and smell of books and fall in love with them once again.
Here are few suggested books from my bookshelf:
- Oh, The Places You’ll Go – By Dr.Seuss.
- How To Tell If Your Cat Is Going To Kill You? – By The Oatmeal.
- How To Be Interesting – By Jessica Hagy.
- Owls, Our Most Enchanting Bird – By Matt Sewell.
- Living Out Loud (activities to fuel creative life) – By Keri Smith
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